by N. Purcell | June 1, 2023 | 3 Min Read

Benefits of Simulation Based Training: Practice & Apply

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Simulation Based Training is a Game-Changer

In the fast-paced, evolving business world, conventional training methods may not fully equip your employees to handle the challenges that lie ahead. That's where Simulation Based Training (SBT) comes in. It offers a dynamic, interactive environment that simulates real-world scenarios, enabling employees to practice and learn without the fear of costly mistakes. The opportunity to 'practice and apply' in a controlled setting ensures the transfer of learned skills to the workplace.

Addressing Training Challenges with SBT

Traditional classroom or e-learning methods often lack a practical component, creating a disconnect between theory and application, resulting in skill gaps. SBT mitigates these issues. By closely reflecting on-the-job scenarios, SBT ensures that the knowledge and skills acquired during training have practical relevance and utility.

Top Five Benefits of Simulation Based Training for Your Organization

  1. Interactive Learning: SBT provides an engaging, hands-on learning experience that fosters skill retention.
  2. Real-Time Feedback: Learners can make immediate improvements based on the feedback provided during simulations.
  3. Identifying Skill Gaps: SBT can help detect individual skill gaps, enabling the development of targeted training plans.
  4. Risk-Free Environment: Employees can learn from mistakes without any real-world implications, enhancing their confidence and proficiency.
  5. Real-World Application: SBT scenarios mirror real workplace situations, ensuring skills learned are immediately applicable.

How SBT Helps Craft Tailored Learning Paths

SBT solutions allow for individual performance monitoring during simulations. This enables us to identify areas that require additional training or support, helping us design personalized learning paths. The result? A more competent, confident, and motivated workforce that aligns with your organizational goals.

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Pinpointing Skill Gaps with Simulation Based Training

At the core of effective employee development is the ability to identify individual skill gaps accurately. Through Simulation Based Training, you are able to do just that. By closely observing how learners perform in realistic scenarios, we can pinpoint areas where further training or support is needed. This insight empowers us to create training programs that are tailored to each employee's needs, ensuring the development of well-rounded, proficient teams that can meet the demands of their roles effectively.

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Simulation and the Blended Learning Model

Blended learning, which combines online digital media with traditional classroom methods, is becoming a cornerstone in modern employee training strategies. SBT plays a vital role within this framework by offering a unique and engaging learning environment that complements other training methods.

For example, an employee might first engage in e-learning modules to gain theoretical knowledge on a topic. They could then apply this knowledge in a simulation, which gives them the chance to practice their skills in a safe and controlled setting. This could be followed up with a group training session to discuss experiences, learn from each other, and receive guidance from a trainer.

This blended learning model maximizes the benefits of each method:

  1. E-Learning allows learners to engage with materials at their own pace and according to their own schedule.
  2. SBT offers hands-on, experiential learning in a risk-free environment, reinforcing the theoretical knowledge gained through e-learning.
  3. Traditional classroom training provides the opportunity for direct interaction with trainers and peers, enhancing understanding and learning through discussion and collaboration.

Thus, SBT is not just a standalone solution; it is also a valuable part of a holistic, blended learning strategy designed to maximize the effectiveness of your employee training.

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