Custom Training
Employee training through games.
Choose from our growing library of fun games. Games are designed to drive more meaningful and rewarding experiences and to increase knowledge retention.
Get a DemoCustom eLearning games
Games engage people with social and competitive elements that heighten attention, sustain focus, and drive action.
Playground for learners
Games provide an engaging training platform that improves comprehension and change behaviors. Games have been used for many different types of training programs:

New employee onboarding
Sales and product training
Leadership development
Safety, security, and compliance
Systems and processes
Customer service
Games for every type of training
Rich analytics & reporting capabilities
By collecting individual and group player data from each game you will quickly identify knowledge gaps and can rework training content to be more effective.
With robust reporting, you’ll be able to analyze: scores, rank, sessions, session duration, % of questions correct/incorrect, number of attempts, and total questions answered.

Boost your training.
Ready to see how our games can help your team with retention and sustainment? Reach out.