Custom Training

Customer service training for employees

Improve CX with excellent customer service training.

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Why employee customer service training needs to be an organizational priority.

  • 61%

    of customers say they would switch to a new brand after one bad experience with a company.

  • 93%

    of customers are likely to make repeat purchases with companies that offer excellent customer service

  • 64%

    of business leaders say that customer service has a positive impact on their company’s growth.

Prioritize Your Customer Service Experience

Providing an exceptional customer experience (CX) pays off. Deloitte and Touche found that customer-centric companies are 60% more profitable than companies that aren’t. Prioritizing customer service is a philosophy that should be embraced by everyone at your company, not just customer-facing reps.

How do you create a customer-centric culture?

By delivering training programs for customer service.

Training teams trust Unboxed.

Reap the rewards of customer service training programs for employees.

  • Improve customer satisfaction: When employees are better equipped to handle customer inquiries and resolve issues quickly, customers are more likely to be satisfied with their experience and share it with others.
  • Increase rep confidence: Training customer service skills can help increase employee confidence in their abilities to handle customer interactions – the good and the bad.
  • Retain more customers: Customers are more likely to be loyal to a business whose representatives make them feel valued, leading to higher retention rates and increased revenue over time.
  • Raise employee morale: Employees that feel confident and competent in their abilities to handle customer inquiries and resolve issues are more likely to feel engaged in their work.
  • Create a competitive advantage: By providing superior customer service experiences, businesses can stand out from their competitors and gain a competitive advantage.

We win amazing awards.

The key to excellent customer service is excellent customer service training.

Great customer experiences result from great customer service training. When customer service reps know what exceptional service looks like, they can confidently answer the phone and end the conversation with a fully satisfied customer.

Now, you could attempt training for customer service teams in-house. However, with tapped resources and overflowing to-do lists, internal training tends to be unrealistic.

Another option is to let subject matter experts like Unboxed Training & Technology step in and create custom training programs for customer service that meet your business goals.

During our customer service skills training program, your employees will learn essential skills like:

  • How to practice active listening
  • How to show empathy
  • How to ask the right questions
  • How to build rapport
  • How to add value to customers
  • How to use positive language
  • How to solve problems

Think of the times you had a great customer experience. Most likely, you felt heard as a person, not as ticket #329. To wow your customers, you need to invest in the people who will be speaking with them.